Benchmark Exams
Benchmark Mimicry Exams are used to track your progress over the course. There is one exam at the end of each unit. In each exercise, you will listen to a set of phrases which have pauses in between them. Your task with these phrases is to fill that empty space between phrases with your own attempt to mimic them.
Remember, don't worry if you can't mimic these phrases very well at first. At the end of the course, you will be able to see your progress and how much you've actually improved based on mimicking real Spanish speech. If you have pronunciation errors, do not resubmit for this exercise. This is because we want to test your pronunciation as it progresses over time. At the end of the course, you will have a clear picture of how you improved over time.
The first exam consists of three phrases: one short, one medium, and one long. In the subsequent benchmark exams, we will also add in one spoken phrase from the unit and one random phrase.
To submit these exams, you will play the phrase audio on your device and then speak to mimic it in the pauses between the sounds. Listen to the example below to hear what your first benchmark exam will sound like. You will have this first exam at the end of the Sound System Primer. Don't worry about studying it, as this will give us both a clear picture on where you will need to start improving. Listen to the audio and then continue to the next section.
Remember, don't worry if you can't mimic these phrases very well at first. At the end of the course, you will be able to see your progress and how much you've actually improved based on mimicking real Spanish speech. If you have pronunciation errors, do not resubmit for this exercise. This is because we want to test your pronunciation as it progresses over time. At the end of the course, you will have a clear picture of how you improved over time.
The first exam consists of three phrases: one short, one medium, and one long. In the subsequent benchmark exams, we will also add in one spoken phrase from the unit and one random phrase.
To submit these exams, you will play the phrase audio on your device and then speak to mimic it in the pauses between the sounds. Listen to the example below to hear what your first benchmark exam will sound like. You will have this first exam at the end of the Sound System Primer. Don't worry about studying it, as this will give us both a clear picture on where you will need to start improving. Listen to the audio and then continue to the next section.