"La Negra Tiene Tumbao"
A rough English translation is given for each series of lines. No word for word translations are offered here. You can of course look the lyrics up online, but I encourage you to focus more on the general sound and meaning patterns, which you will pick up as you are exposed to and mimic more Spanish.
The black woman has swagger/swing/sex appeal
And she doesn't walk to the side
The black woman has swagger/swing/sex appeal
She never walks to the side
If you want to approach straight,
It's better that you walk in front.
So that there aren't any trips
And you come and lament
If you want to come first
Best that you approach slowly
Enjoy life
While taking measures/being cautious
When people die
It is said that they were so good.
So good when they were alive
Like the Night and the Day
I hope that they come to tell me the truth
I can't stand any more lies
I very much enjoy life,
while taking measures/being cautious
Great job on completing Unit 1! Next you will complete your benchmark exam before moving on to unit 2.